8.30 – Registration
9.00 – 9.15 Welcome – Fabio Vitali, Monica Palmirani, Melanie Knapp
9.15 – 10.00 Keynote Speaker: H.E. Mr. Robert Reeves, Deputy Clerk, House of Representatives of the United States of America
10.00 – 10.20 Fabio Vitali, Monica Palmirani The Akoma Ntoso Principles, University of Bologna
Akoma Ntoso Uses Cases Panel
10.20– 10.40 Kirsten Gullickson, The role of XML in the House of Representatives, House of Representatives of the United States of America
10.40– 11.00 Alari Gianluigi, Akoma Ntoso in the EU Parliament Amendment Process, EU Parliament (remotely)
11.00– 11.20 Coffee Break
11.20– 11.40 Ashok Hariharan, Business Process aspects of moving to Akoma Ntoso XML, Bungeni Consulting LLP (remotely)
11.40– 12.00 Jorge Estevez, FAO Consultation Process with Akoma Ntoso: An Open Governance Initiative, FAO (remotely)
12.00– 12.20 Andrew Weber, The Akoma Ntoso Challenge, Library of Congress of US
12.20– 12.40 Carlo Marchetti, Akoma Ntoso in the Senate of Italy, Senate of Italy
Lunch 13.00 – 14.00
14.00– 14.20 Jim Mangiafico, UK Legislation in Akoma Ntoso, The National Archives UK
14.20– 14.40 Grant Vergottini, Modelling the U.S. Code in USLM: a Derivative of Akoma Ntoso, Xcential
14.40– 15.00 Veronique Parisse, Akoma Ntoso at the European Institutions, Aubay
15.30– 15.30 Greg Kemp, The Indigo Legislation Platform, Code4South Africa
Akoma Ntoso Technical Panel
15.30– 16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 – 16.20 Grant Vergottini, Web Editor for Akoma Ntoso, Xcential
16.20 – 16.40 Fabio Vitali, The Akoma Ntoso URI resolver, University of Bologna
16.40– 17.00 Luca Cervone, Lime Editor for Akoma Ntoso, University of Bologna
17.00– 18.00 Conclusion and Final Statements